I saw an adorable cake pop on
Bakerella (Have you seen this site? It is amazing!!!). So, I made my own version of it. The filling is
peanut butter crunch. But, you can use chocolate truffle, brownie balls, cake balls, rice cereal treats or even egg-less cookie dough (recipes to come!!).
Here are the tools you will need: lollipop sticks,
toothpick, orange and red chocolate melts, Paramont Crystals (these make the chocolate very smooth and easy to work with), green sour straws and a edible black marker (Love this!! I can’t live without it!!)
1) First, roll into one inch diameter balls. I got 21 balls from my recipes for Peanut Butter Crunch.
2) I then used a toothpick to make five grooves on the side of each ball. Make them pretty deep. Then put them in the refrigerator while you prepare the chocolate melts.
3) Now, time to melt the chocolate. I used an entire bag of orange and ten red wafers. I also added a teaspoon or two of paramount crystals. Follow the instructions on your chocolate until it is melts. This can be tricky. You don’t want to do over heat the chocolate. For Wilton’s, I melt it for one minute at 50% power. Stir. Then, one more minute and stir. Then, another minute and stir. Next, (can you guess?) another 30 seconds to a minute if needed. It should be melted by now. Put a small drop on your lip. If you feel any heat, it’s too hot. Add a few more wafers to cool the mixture until you can’t feel any heat when you put a drop on your lips.
4) Now, get your ‘pumpkins’ from the fridge. Dip the end of a lollipop stick into the chocolate and insert it into the pumpkin (Don’t go more than half way through). Place them in the fridge for the chocolate to set. Now it’s time to dip!!
5) Place your sticked pumpkin in the chocolate. DON’T STIR! Try to have the chocolate deep enough that you cover the whole thing in one dunk. If you can’t cover one side, flip it over and cover the other side. But, DON’T STIR the pop!!! Knock the stick on the side of the bowl very gently to knock off the extra chocolate. Once you are done covering the pumpkin, place it in a Styrofoam block to cool.
I made my drying rack, can you tell? I used a pan I never used and filled it with floral form. Then, I taped the entire surface to ensure it wasn’t going to fall out. Then, I cut holes in the tape for the sticks to push through.
6) While the chocolate is still wet, place a small piece of green sour straw on top for the stem. Once dry, use a black food writer to make the face. And you are done! Even my little monkey loves them!

I saw an adorable cake pop on
Bakerella (Have you seen this site? It is amazing!!!). So, I made my own version of it. The filling is
peanut butter crunch. But, you can use chocolate truffle, brownie balls, cake balls, rice cereal treats or even egg-less cookie dough (recipes to come!!).
Here are the tools you will need: lollipop sticks,
toothpick, orange and red chocolate melts, Paramont Crystals (these make the chocolate very smooth and easy to work with), green sour straws and a edible black marker (Love this!! I can’t live without it!!)
1) First, roll into one inch diameter balls. I got 21 balls from my recipes for Peanut Butter Crunch.
2) I then used a toothpick to make five grooves on the side of each ball. Make them pretty deep. Then put them in the refrigerator while you prepare the chocolate melts.
3) Now, time to melt the chocolate. I used an entire bag of orange and ten red wafers. I also added a teaspoon or two of paramount crystals. Follow the instructions on your chocolate until it is melts. This can be tricky. You don’t want to do over heat the chocolate. For Wilton’s, I melt it for one minute at 50% power. Stir. Then, one more minute and stir. Then, another minute and stir. Next, (can you guess?) another 30 seconds to a minute if needed. It should be melted by now. Put a small drop on your lip. If you feel any heat, it’s too hot. Add a few more wafers to cool the mixture until you can’t feel any heat when you put a drop on your lips.
4) Now, get your ‘pumpkins’ from the fridge. Dip the end of a lollipop stick into the chocolate and insert it into the pumpkin (Don’t go more than half way through). Place them in the fridge for the chocolate to set. Now it’s time to dip!!
5) Place your sticked pumpkin in the chocolate. DON’T STIR! Try to have the chocolate deep enough that you cover the whole thing in one dunk. If you can’t cover one side, flip it over and cover the other side. But, DON’T STIR the pop!!! Knock the stick on the side of the bowl very gently to knock off the extra chocolate. Once you are done covering the pumpkin, place it in a Styrofoam block to cool.
I made my drying rack, can you tell? I used a pan I never used and filled it with floral form. Then, I taped the entire surface to ensure it wasn’t going to fall out. Then, I cut holes in the tape for the sticks to push through.
6) While the chocolate is still wet, place a small piece of green sour straw on top for the stem. Once dry, use a black food writer to make the face. And you are done! Even my little monkey loves them!

These are so cute!! You can send me some anytime you feel like it:-)